
You have one minute to use your 6 sheep dogs to herd the sheep into the pen. Use the mouse to click on a dog and then click on the new location you want it to move to.

Click inside the pen to open and close the gate. 

Your score is simply the number of sheep inside the pen when the timer runs out!

Technical Info

The game is written in C++ using SDL2 for the OSWindow abstraction and GL Context creation. After that rendering stuck to the OpenGL ES 2 standard (using glad for the bindings), which allowed an Emscripten build for the browser, but also an ARM build to run natively on the Raspberry Pi. Linear algebra provided by glm.

The rest can be blamed on me, including the dev art - created using Inkscape.

Coding in Visual Studio Code, compiled for desktop environments using Clang.


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Hi Edward, Cool concept with the boids algorithm and its nice that the game started within the browser (no problems there).

I found the gameplay pretty difficult in this. Ultimately, the timer stopped me anytime I began to make any real progress. I wonder if you could flip the timer mechanic, so instead of counting down to death - it counts up and measures how much time it takes to pen all the sheep? This way, players could also compete with each other.

I think it’d also be interesting, if the sheep mainly stood still (or a slight wondering mechanic) and then only ran in reaction to the close proximity of the dogs.

The current ping-ponging around the field meant that often I was trying to predict their paths and intercept them with the dogs.

(2 edits)

FILE VALIDATION - 8/4/2024 - 10:42
Notable - Windows defender pops up. Scan shows no threats even from windows defender.

1f230fa4b37fe82b9c449fc37db7c35a3508f840414dd99ecf47180bc53de7f37654248db2cdbb1318571fc03dfe1d30929d77f05a47379d83690a2f17d8acc5 - NOT VALIDATED

Linux unvalidated. This entry comes from within the community, likely safe.